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Why the Education System Is Designed to Put YOU Trapped in a "Matrix" Since 1980

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What this Video about the Artifical Society (Matrix) we are living in

We tend to take the self-important attitude that we are educated and ‘worldly-wise’ and that we are able to rationalise and analyse. Perhaps we think that no one can take advantage of us because in this day and age we have so much information that it would be near impossible, or if it did happen then the state would protect us.

We think we are educated because we attend schools, colleges, universities and other established educational facilities at which we gain recognition in the form of ‘qualifications’.

We forget that no matter how clever we think we are, there is always someone that is far cleverer and worldly-wise than we are – without exception.

True education comes from keeping our eyes and ears open to what is going on around us and being able to recognise when things are not right – not from edited texts which in turn have been influenced by others who have also undergone forms of programming.

We need to take the education we are fed and only take that which is practically useful and treat the rest with suspicion until proven beyond all doubt in true reality, and not the illusionary world we are led to believe is the only possibility for our existence.

Our governments are able to control and influence us through subversive means only if we allow ourselves to be drawn in.

Like the journalists and intellectuals in Bezmenov’s recollections, we can be manipulated if we believe that we are part of an educated ‘elite’ and allow our egos to control our perceptions. Others many see us as ‘useful idiots’.

The amount of resource that governments use to develop new ways of mind control and manipulation is astounding, and we have only touched on a very small part based on information that is not (and cannot be) wholly up to date.

New techniques and new technology are appearing and being fine-tuned every day, purely for the purpose of controlling us.

Part of the manipulative system are the organisations feeding us information every hour of every day. There is no independence when those organisations are controlled by those who have already undergone a programming process. The information they present as ‘truth’ is based in the lies of their own existence and their own egocentric yearnings.

As human beings, we are capable of much more than we are permitted to be, and our perception of freedom is only that which we have been permitted to have within the boundaries of our ‘controllers’.

Espionage, mind control, psychological warfare are not meant only for our ‘enemies’. We have all been subjected to it for most of our lives – it’s just that we didn’t know it.

Recent news of the PRISM surveillance programme and the involvement of other nations is a little evidence that we (for the most part) remain unaware of the actions of those we place blind trust in to look after our interests.

There is no reason at all for such ‘blanket’ surveillance of millions of people other than to create profiles which will be used for other purposes when humanity awakens and the power of those who control us comes under serious threat. They will use it to manipulate and destroy us – and that is far from an exaggeration of what those in power perceive they are capable of.

But always keep in mind that they can only be successful in their objectives if we allow them to be.

Remember what Bezmenov said,

“Society needs to strike at the enemy with the power of the spirit and with moral superiority”.

April 24, 2023 - Reading time: 5 minutes